24h emergency switchboard: +41 (0) 91 811 51 11 info.icct@eoc.ch
Patient care

Inside this area you will find all the useful information that aims to make your stay at Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino more comfortable.


With the synergy of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and cardioestestists, the Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino can offers less invasive surgical techniques and the most up-to-date intervention procedures.

News area

In this area you will find all the news and information about the initiatives promoted by Cardiocentro.

Professional training

This section will find all the services, information and content dedicated to professionals.

Medical Team

Inside Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino you find experienced professionals of the highest level and with high experience, able to guarantee the patient a cure of excellence.

Cardiac Surgery

Prof. Dr. Stefanos Demertzis
Prof. Dr. Stefanos Demertzis
Head of Cardiac Surgery
Curriculum (pdf)

Scientific Director

Prof. Dr. Enrico Ferrari
Prof. Dr. Enrico Ferrari
Deputy Chief
Curriculum (pdf)
Dr. Tiziano Torre
Dr. Tiziano Torre
Senior cardiac surgeon
Curriculum (pdf)
Dr. Mirko Muretti
Dr. Mirko Muretti
Specialist doctor
Dr. Alberto Pozzoli
Dr. Alberto Pozzoli
Specialist doctor
Dr. Francesca Toto
Dr. Francesca Toto
Cardiac surgeon
 Dr. Apostolos Tsantilas
Dr. Apostolos Tsantilas
Cardiac surgeon
Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino

Via Tesserete 48
CH-6900 Lugano