MTE 2016
MTE 2016

34 Talks
12 Live Cases
77 Speakers and Orators
250 Participants from 16 different country
MTE Heart Team: Walking Together

Tiziano Moccetti, MD
Chief Cardiology and Medical Director

Giovanni Pedrazzini, PD
Deputy Chief Cardiology,
Director Interventional Cardiology

Stefanos Demertzis, MD
Chief of Cardiac Surgery

Tiziano Cassina, MD
Chief Cardiovascular Anesthesia
and Intesive Care

Marco Moccetti, MD
Senior Cardiologist

Enrico Ferrari, PD
Senior Cardiologist
MTE – Meet The Experts is an international symposium for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and other specialists of the heart organized every two years by Cardiocentro Ticino, an High level Heart specialized clinic located in Lugano (Switzerland). Our meeting will be offering the ideal conditions for learning new techniques and improving one’s specific knowledge on cardiac interventions, a eld that is dramatically evolving.
Learning objectives
- How to analyse and make the right decisions in critical coronary valve and structural heart interventions
- How to manage difficult cardiac interventions
- How to manage complications during cardiac interventions
Targeted audience
- Trained Cardiologists
- Cardiologists in training
- Nurses and technicians
- Cardiac Surgeon
LSCM 2016
Meet The Expert 2016 will follow Lugano Stem Cell Meeting.
A common SCM/MTE session is scheduled Monday 20th from 1:00 p.m. to Tuesday 21st to 1:00 p.m. more information about the 5th edition of LSCM visit the congress official

Swiss Society of Cardiology
18 hours cat. 1A

20 credits

16 hours of External
CME credits

Live Event in
collaboration with
the European
Society of
Via Tesserete 48
CH-6900 Lugano
Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino
Events and Communication Dpt.
Via Tesserete 48
6900 Lugano
T. +41 (0)91 811 50 83
F. +41 (0)91 811 52 84