MARVEL (iMmunocapture reversible evolving through membrane-sensitive peptides: isolation of scalable extracellular VEsicLes) is the acronym of a two year research project granted by the European Commission within the Research and Innovation Framework Programme “Horizon 2020”. It will be managed by an international consortium, which includes Cardiocentro Ticino together with five other institutes based in Italy, Spain, Estonia and the Czech Republic.
The research project concerns the field of extracellular nanovesicles. On our side the research team headed by PD Dr. Lucio Barile is involved as well as the Lugano Cell Factory directed by Dr. Lucia Turchetto, with the coordination of Dr. Marina Radrizzani.
The role of our researchers within the consortium is to make the technology developed at the CNR of Milan clinically relevant by selectively isolate the nanovesicles and produce them on a larger scale in order to be used within humans.