24h emergency switchboard: +41 (0) 91 811 51 11 info.icct@eoc.ch

Nursing education

Nursing education

In the area of nursing and medical & technical education, Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino has been a reference institute for the entire Ticino Canton for a number of years, and cooperates with the most important local training centres in this area, both for basic and higher education.

Basic education 
(professional lower and higher secondary education)

In co-operation with Scuola Specializzata per le Professioni Socio Sanitarie, (a School specialising in Social and Health Professions), Cardiocentro Ticino is devoted to the training of future professionals in this area, who can then have access to higher-level nursing education.
Cardiocentro Ticino also partners with Scuola Superiore Medico Tecnica – SSMT (Higher Medical & Technical School) for the training of future O.R. (operating room) nurses.

Higher education (professional University schools)

As for University-level education, Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino is actively partnering with the Department of Health Sciences of SUPSI; in this quality, it participates in the training course for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing as reference institute for the training modules concerning the Cardiovascular apparatus (Module “Cardiovascular I” – 1st semester / Module “Cardiovascular II – 4th semester). The training, featuring a “Problem Based Learning” (PBL) approach, gives students a deeper understanding of the theoretical reference framework through the analysis of real cases, studied in the field. During the planned days of clinical practice, moreover, the various technical skills are mastered through hands-on training.
In addition to the collaboration with SUPSI, Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino actively cooperates with the Scuola Specializzata Superiore in Cure Infermieristiche (SSSCI) – for the training of specialised nurses in its quality as an approved internship institute.
Always at the SUPSI some Cardiocentro collaborators are actively engaged in offering basic and postgraduate courses in Cardiac anaesthesia
and intensive care.

please send your CV at stefano.bernasconi@eoc.ch

For those who would like to apply for a job position, please fill in the form at this link.

    Attach the CV (.pdf .doc .docx .rtf)


    Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino

    Via Tesserete 48
    CH-6900 Lugano


    Head of nursing service

    Stefano Bernasconi
    Tel. +41 (0)91 811 51 30
